martes, 28 de octubre de 2008


3 comentarios:

Inspector Clouseau dijo...

Excuse my use of English. My former business partner once found a 1929 Cadillac in the back of a farm and restored it to mint condition. Beautiful. Nice work. I came across your blog while blog surfing using the “next blog” button on the Nav Bar of I am continually fascinated by the types of blogs that exist on the Internet, and the various, creative ways in which people all over the globe express themselves. Thanks for sharing.

Farid dijo...

Cadillac 1929!!! SWEET, unfortunely, iam in argentina, and that kind of cars we only see at TV, but starting with these 60's cars, who knows, i could find at least a '38 ford, i had in my sight a 30' graham paige. My truck is rare on these sides, 1957 international.. LIKE IN PIXAR's CARS MOVIE!!

goooooood girl dijo...

your blog is so good......